sâmbătă, 1 februarie 2014

John Carter 2012 Eng

John Carter 2012 torrent
Good 12Bad1

Year: 2012
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Director: Andrew Stanton
Starring: Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins, Willem Dafoe

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Seeds: 128
Peers: 69

Review: This was, without exaggeration, of najpôsobivej? Their films I've ever seen. Its 3-D movies and so are the. ? Il I as part of a tour of impressive landscapes breathtaking, panoramic photos, aliens, costumes and sets are connected by a complex story about power, strength, and, of course, la sky, which culminates in a smart ending.The only reason I put in? 10 all stars is because? e must admit? e I found? story e sometimes a little 'too? evil? IMPORTANT and therefore you? ko follow.But this feast for the eyes, a ka? house money if the value of the ticket. I've never seen the movie, so grand. My dream: a stunning new SF-spectacular, is not part of a series of Star Wars or Star Trek, but opens a new world and a rich and fantastic? Your e- rou face-SW prequels story.All logical and Evil? IMPORTANT my hope? e's not a bomb, but allows? nuju new adventure? traffic regulations with John Carter of Mars, which , to be filmed.

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